New York Defensive Driving Online Course
NY State DMV Approved. Voted best course! |
10% off Auto Insurance each year for 3 years. Four points reduced. No tests. Most liked Course. Try it for free. 10% off your Auto Insurance for 3 years. "I saved $624 over three years by taking this course. Deduct the cost of the course from that and look how much I saved. Almost $600 saved over three Years. Don't Delay. Get going! Click here
Only $37.95 $27.95*
Accepted by ALL Insurance carriers and NY TLC
DMV Approved for Point and Insurance Reduction
Voted #1 Best Defensive Driving School
10% Insurance Discount Guaranteed
New York DMV Approved
No Final Exam
Proof of completion in 30 minutes
24/7 US Based Support What are you waiting for??
New York Defensive Driving Online Course
NY State DMV Approved. |
10% off Auto Insurance each year for 3 years. Four points reduced. No tests. Most liked Course. Try it for free. 10% off your Auto Insurance for 3 years. "I saved $624 over three years by taking this course. Deduct the cost of the course from that and look how much I saved. Almost $600 saved over three Years. Get going! Click here
Only $37.95 $27.95*
Accepted by ALL Insurance carriers and NY TLC
DMV Approved for Point and Insurance Reduction
Voted #1 Best Defensive Driving School
10% Insurance Discount Guaranteed
New York DMV Approved
No Final Exam
Proof of completion in 30 minutes
24/7 US Based Support What are you waiting for??